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and a treasure chest of twisted history", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112592772815.html"]}, {"title": "Cyclist is left bloodied and bruised after smashing into wire booby trap deliberately set to snare riders using woodland path during lockdown", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112667871797.html"]}, {"title": "D-Day for Nazanin: British citizen imprisoned in Tehran will find out TODAY if she will be freed as her husband says 'we are closer than ever' but is still preparing for the worst", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110762395947.html"]}, {"title": "Friends and families could be reunited in ‘social bubbles’ of up to ten people by next month under lockdown-easing plans", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112476886439.html"]}, {"title": "First-time buyers who'd 'never done DIY' give the 1960s time-warp home they bought 'on a whim' a stunning £50,000 makeover - and now it's worth £65,000 more than they paid", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328110839831130.html"]}, {"title": "Germany clamps down on SINGING over coronavirus fears: Choirs are silenced and hymns banned at church services after warnings that it spreads infectious droplets", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111562599267.html"]}, {"title": "Almost 750,000 drivers had motors MOT'd in April despite lockdown and six-month test exemption during pandemic, DVSA reveals", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111944278723.html"]}, {"title": "Demand for properties surges in Leeds, Newcastle, Portsmouth and Southampton as pent-up buyers return", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111956014608.html"]}, {"title": "Robert Jenrick says the Government will NOT review lockdown fines issued to people travelling for childcare reasons less than 24 hours after Matt Hancock said he would consider it in wake of Dominic Cummings row", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111957700788.html"]}, {"title": "Revealed: The best-selling $48 blush that celebrities and makeup experts swear by for a natural rosy glow", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112239776279.html"]}, {"title": "Shocking moment reckless father is caught tearing across a field on a motorbike with a TODDLER on his lap", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110791017559.html"]}, {"title": "Tiger cub 'seeks out human help' and approaches houses after losing her mother in Siberia", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111131499669.html"]}, {"title": "'There are so many friggin' half-truths out there': Lance Armstrong is STILL hiding secrets about doping, says his former team-mate Tyler Hamilton - despite claims that new documentary would tell the 'whole explosive story'", "category": "sports", "articles": ["124328111619487348.html"]}, {"title": "Hospital in Weston-super-Mare that shut to new patients over spike in Covid-19 cases 'sees 40% of staff test positive for the infection'", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328111866709379.html"]}, {"title": "Facebook bans adverts from Muslim campaign group Cage which claim coronavirus is a punishment from god", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328110708480928.html"]}, {"title": "Man, 29, arrested for kidnapping 16-year-old Louise Smith is re-arrested for her murder - as his wife is held for assisting an offender", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110723163592.html"]}, {"title": "Live and let drive! Bond fans snap up Aston Martin’s new £3.3m replica Goldfinger DB5 complete with machine guns, smoke screens and bullet-proof shields (but it's too DANGEROUS to drive it on the road)", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328111238503095.html"]}, {"title": "Black, Asian and minority ethnic people are 54% more likely to be fined under coronavirus lockdown rules than white people, police figures reveal", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111913692228.html"]}, {"title": "Horrifying moment boy, 12, 'is lured away by Ukrainian paedophile who murdered him and had sex with the child's corpse after luring him to his death by offering him sweets'", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112143471628.html"]}, {"title": "Durham Police's Dominic Cummings probe is being treated as a 'critical incident' and being overseen by its most senior officers in bid to prevent reputational damage to the force", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112230051382.html"]}, {"title": "Mothers are nearly 50% more likely to have lost jobs due to Covid crisis than fathers - and are doing lion's share of childcare and housework in lockdown, UK study of 3,500 families shows", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112483730161.html"]}, {"title": "Horrifying moment a hippo throws an impala over its head in a South African river after battling circling hyenas and wild dogs", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328110595324943.html"]}, {"title": "Boris Johnson vows not to hike income tax, VAT or national insurance and says triple lock on pensions will STAY despite coronavirus bailouts devastating public finances - with 8.4MILLION jobs now furloughed", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110968034366.html"]}, {"title": "NHS nurse who was clapped out of the hospital after spending 12 days in ICU with coronavirus reveals she tested negative for virus TWICE before being admitted", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112072052885.html"]}, {"title": "Young girl’s name scratched into wall of one of Pompeii’s largest villas suggests it was owned by descendants of general Lucius Mummius who conquered Greece in 146BC", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328112323820452.html"]}, {"title": "iPhone vulnerability that lets users 'jailbreak' their devices to run apps and software that have not been approved by Apple is discovered", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328110708923500.html"]}, {"title": "Former royal chef reveals the Queen loves shrimp on toast but can't stand garlic as he answers questions from fans on cooking for Her Majesty", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111130327485.html"]}, {"title": "'Bullied' civil servant wins £250,000 payout after she was taunted by colleagues and branded racist for saying it always rains in Wales", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111241955389.html"]}, {"title": "EXCLUSIVE: 28 tonnes of Nazi gold worth £1BILLION could be hidden under 16th century Polish palace: SS diary page shows treasure was hidden in a well near end of WWII", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112097204255.html"]}, {"title": "Thai king takes his harem for a ride: Monarch and some of his 20-strong female entourage are spotted cycling near German hotel where he has converted entire floor into 'pleasure palace'", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112205523337.html"]}, {"title": "The real Lego Movie city! Obsessed father spends five years and $96,000 building a huge city with 1,600 Lego sets and an extra 81,000 bricks", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112528624091.html"]}, {"title": "That's a deal breaker! Grossed-out social media users share their partners' most unhygienic habits - from flossing with human hair to leaving toenail clippings on the floor", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328111225192202.html"]}, {"title": "Two Russian fighter jets 'buzz' a US reconnaissance plane and come within FEET over the Mediterranean provoking Navy fury at 'unsafe' manuever", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111550214235.html"]}, {"title": "Self-proclaimed leprechaun whisperer reveals he's still in contact with the mythical creatures who only reveal themselves to him - and insists they 'don't have a problem' with lockdown", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111926808545.html"]}, {"title": "Angry locals slam revellers for holding 'Ibiza style' lockdown party at Yorkshire beauty spot, leaving glass bottles and 'hippy crack' canisters", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110923831183.html"]}, {"title": "BBC backs its political editor Laura Kuenssberg and says she did NOT tweet 'in defence' of Dominic Cummings after a 'significant' number of complaints", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111286005120.html"]}, {"title": "Bizarre moment bungling burglar almost falls through workshop roof sending debris crashing down onto couple making facemasks for NHS workers", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110773670376.html"]}, {"title": "ANOTHER testing shambles: Health chiefs ban public from buying the same antibody test they are rolling out for NHS workers", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111102857949.html"]}, {"title": "Moment pervert, 35, is caught after sending sex messages to '12-year-old girl' then claims HE was just trying to become a paedophile hunter", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111784643574.html"]}, {"title": "Government quietly mothballs another FOUR NHS Nightingales after putting 4,000-bed hospital at London's ExCel centre on 'standby' - as flights are set to restart at City Airport by end of June", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112269597359.html"]}, {"title": "Donald Trump has built just THREE MILES of entirely new border wall where no barrier existed before, Department of Homeland Security reveals", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111006684560.html"]}, {"title": "EXCLUSIVE: Jeffrey Epstein had surveillance cameras hidden throughout his properties worldwide in a 'blackmail scheme' to extort his powerful friends, victims tell new Netflix doc about the pedophile", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111116775427.html"]}, {"title": "Luvvie vicar who waded into Dominic Cummings row is married father-of-two and ex-marketing consultant with past-life acting on shows from The Bill to starring alongside Michael Elphick and Neil Morrissey in Boon", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111150178410.html"]}, {"title": "Fashion label Diane von Furstenberg becomes a victim of the coronavirus lockdown as the UK arm goes into administration and the designer closes her flagship London store", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111642842754.html"]}, {"title": "Dessert BURGERS become the latest lockdown trend to take over Instagram as users fill sweet and savoury buns with layers of marshmallow, fruit and chocolate sauce", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111933835532.html"]}, {"title": "Wife whose husband won 'more than £250K' on a scratch card reveals his brother and sister want the money to be split three ways - and is branded 'greedy' when she says they plan to keep the money for themselves", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111955430554.html"]}, {"title": "Spain proposes allowing direct travel between EU cities with low rates of coronavirus infections, rather than opening national borders, to boost tourism", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328112151667215.html"]}, {"title": "Man, 22, dies after falling from jet ski in Devon in third seaside fatality this week", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112375491889.html"]}, {"title": "Paragliders collide at 4,757ft and plummet into trees leaving one dangling by his harness in terrifying footage", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328110707175986.html"]}, {"title": "Number 10 'didn't notice' that officials stopped publishing the number of people being tested for Covid-19 each day as figure hasn't been announced since Friday last week", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110750755570.html"]}, {"title": "Girl, 11, plunges 200ft and breaks her back after falling through a gap on a glass walkway in a Chinese park", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111033904862.html"]}, {"title": "Facebook rolls out TikTok-like app called Collab that lets users create music by repurposing people's short video clips", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328111154554985.html"]}, {"title": "Playful dolphins surprise jet skier by leaping out of the water and darting underneath him in the sea off Brighton", "category": "sports", "articles": ["124328111350423221.html"]}, {"title": "North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung did not have the ability to teleport, state media finally admits", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111907621829.html"]}, {"title": "Best in show! Devon County Show breaks record for the longest line of knitted bunting in the world with 80,000 flags stretching NINE MILES", "category": "other", "articles": ["124328112332827299.html"]}, {"title": "Hanging ten! Amazing images show eight-year-old rescue dog Sugar SURFING in California", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328110632193581.html"]}, {"title": "'Safety stamp' launched by World Travel & Tourism Council for 'hygienic' destinations and businesses in bid to reassure holidaymakers and speed up tourism recovery", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111321477354.html"]}, {"title": "Coronavirus patients treated with plasma from people who recovered from the infection are nearly TWICE as likely to survive than those who didn't get the experimental treatment, study finds", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328111384138669.html"]}, {"title": "Bill Clinton 'had affair with Jeffrey Epstein pimp Ghislaine Maxwell during trips on pedophile's private jet', explosive new book claims", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111498892432.html"]}, {"title": "Fugitive cartel leader, featured in Netflix's Narcos: Mexico tells Mexican court he's broke so is not a flight risk as he fights his extradition to the United States for the 1985 murder of a DEA agent", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111591850998.html"]}, {"title": "Colombian transgender model whose husband was born a woman and is carrying their baby shares sweet snap of her kissing his bump at eight months pregnant", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112360546986.html"]}, {"title": "Britain's new covid queen who will lead test and trace scheme: Baroness Dido is Tory MP's wife who was raised on a pig farm (and thinks there is too much maternity leave)", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112372318448.html"]}, {"title": "On a budget this Father's day? From fashion finds to affordable gadgets, eight Father's Day gifts for under £20", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111523233830.html"]}, {"title": "'Put them in a spacecraft and fly them to Mars': Abigail Disney hits out at 'feral' billionaires, saying Bezos has transformed into Darth Vader, Elon Musk is a narcissist and Peter Thiel is a menace", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111686615218.html"]}, {"title": "Mary-Kate Olsen's estranged husband Olivier Sarkozy moved ex-wife Charlotte and their kids into Hamptons home to keep them 'safe from COVID'", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111741525677.html"]}, {"title": "Pubs and restaurants could reopen NEXT MONTH as Boris Johnson says roadmap is moving 'faster than previously thought' and orders review of the six-foot rule", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111316530268.html"]}, {"title": "ALEX BRUMMER: Landlords take a brutal beating... and the recovery is not going to be easy", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328110852458607.html"]}, {"title": "Hollywood's 'sexual gangster': New documentary explores dark side of Mae West who was once jailed for 'corrupting the morals of youth' by playing a prostitute on stage", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111460375316.html"]}, {"title": "Bill Clinton admitted to Jeffrey Epstein that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky by default because 'she was the only girl in the White House' during 1995 government shutdown, new book reveals", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112477229928.html"]}, {"title": "As dry as a bone: Reservoir levels fall and our parks turn brown in driest May since Victorian time", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328112647124176.html"]}, {"title": "Boeing to lay off more than 13,000 workers including 6,700 involuntary job cuts as the aerospace giant reels from coronavirus crisis", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328110710906403.html"]}, {"title": "The whirlwind that turned this TV star’s life upside down: Just months ago news presenter Sarah-Jane Mee was happy to be single and childless - Now she’s pregnant and has found Mr Right, thanks to a little royal help", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328110956869646.html"]}, {"title": "New video 'shows Emiliano Sala signing for Cardiff City' three days before tragic striker died in plane crash in English Channel - with CAS set to rule on £15m transfer row with Nantes", "category": "sports", "articles": ["124328111052998808.html"]}, {"title": "Maternity ward nurses are filming videos of newborn babies in their care to send to parents after visiting hours were slashed due to coronavirus crisis", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328111217209889.html"]}, {"title": "Black’s just got a lot hotter: Cool white dresses? No, summer’s most stylish look has gone over to the dark side", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111377677998.html"]}, {"title": "Phantom of the Opera's 14 month tour of UK and Ireland is axed amid fears stage shows will not restart until next year", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111937369784.html"]}, {"title": "Is it just me or are men milking the lockdown? asks FEMAIL's guest columnist RACHEL JOHNSON", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112103985208.html"]}, {"title": "Is this really the elixir of youth? It took scientists years to develop, it costs £34 - Oh, and it’s got a ‘waiting list’ of 100,000 people", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328112210589444.html"]}, {"title": "Ballet teacher, 23, reveals she found out she was pregnant just TWO HOURS before giving birth to a 6lb 7oz baby girl - after going to the hospital with a suspected kidney stone", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112233555505.html"]}, {"title": "Dinner for the devils: Fidel Castro ate 20 scoops of ice cream a day, Idi Amin gave very saucy orders, while Saddam Hussein's attempts in the kitchen bombed - just a few of the bizarre insights from chefs of the great dictators", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112306471954.html"]}, {"title": "No wonder the betting industry keeps gambling with lives like my father's when they are only fined a pittance, writes campaigner ADAM BRADFORD", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112359966623.html"]}, {"title": "Day of the Toxic Triffids: Hogweed can grow up to 20ft tall and cause agonising burns and even blindness — and now they're on the march across Britain", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328112413507943.html"]}, {"title": "YouTube influencer Myka Stauffer draws backlash for 'rehoming' her autistic four-year-old son three years after adopting him from China", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112492677459.html"]}, {"title": "Diary of a friendship deepened by despair: It’s summer’s most shattering book – the bond of tears and love that drew two mothers together when they both faced losing a child", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112556467177.html"]}, {"title": "The eagle has landed (again): It's a wonderful sight for those who have given to Mail Force... one MILLION highest-quality masks airlifted from China – and it's just the beginning, writes ROBERT HARDMAN", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112562767280.html"]}, {"title": "MPs' fury as betting giant dodges £3.5million fine for death of addict who was given a £400 'bonus' just hours before taking his own life", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328112626727614.html"]}, {"title": "Jeremy Corbyn is pictured 'flouting social distancing rules as he stops to chat with passer-by while making trip to riverside beauty spot to celebrate 71st birthday'", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110665028280.html"]}, {"title": "Women who are treated for early breast cancer are twice as likely to develop and die from the disease up to 20 years later, new study shows", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328111116760439.html"]}, {"title": "SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: DeliverRuth! Rogers' River Cafe where Jamie Oliver started his career launches as a takeaway", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328111454673054.html"]}, {"title": "Should ALL all only work a four-day week? Debate as Nicola Sturgeon says it could help parents cope with childcare", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328111516909203.html"]}, {"title": "Ford unveils technology that ROASTS the inside of police vehicles at 133 degrees Fahrenheit in an effort to kill coronavirus concentrations", "category": "technology", "articles": ["124328112353856858.html"]}, {"title": "Number of children caught in school with drugs including HEROIN is up by more than a quarter in four years, new figures show", "category": "society", "articles": ["124328110943708416.html"]}, {"title": "CRAIG BROWN: Warning - don't play croquet in front of the telly", "category": "economy", "articles": ["124328111592887711.html"]}, {"title": "Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal", "category": "science", "articles": ["124328111948046265.html"]}, {"title": "Prince Charles has got his wish for a slimmed-down monarchy thanks to 'Megxit' and the Prince Andrew controversy, says his close friend Lady Glenconner", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112102210447.html"]}, {"title": "Hikers, 23, who spent 19 DAYS lost in the bush reveal how they survived - and why finding a footprint saved their lives", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["124328112153936005.html"]}, {"title": "Everyone's a winner! 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Watch The Whole Thing Here", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["5246707018445012942.html"]}, {"title": "Nintendo 3DS Emulator Citra Comes To Android Smartphones", "category": "technology", "articles": ["5246707018144219454.html"]}, {"title": "'90s-Inspired Platformer Clive ‘N’ Wrench Is Getting A Physical Switch Release", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["5246707018465671959.html"]}, {"title": "Catherine: Full Body Is Now Available To Pre-Order On Nintendo Switch", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["5246707019127882849.html"]}, {"title": "Sonic Is The Latest To Receive A Fan-Made Paper Mario Makeover", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["5246707018481445486.html"]}, {"title": "Feature: Potential Switch Port Round-Up - The Wii U Games That Haven't Come To Switch", "category": "sports", "articles": ["5246707018588202254.html"]}, {"title": "Random: Every Nintendo 64 Game Ever Released Would Fit Onto A Single Switch Cartridge", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["5246707018845559061.html"]}, {"title": "Biden Knocks Trump for 'This Macho Stuff' in Shunning Masks", "category": "society", "articles": ["262570845783489441.html", "967333868226197641.html"]}, {"title": "S. 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Korea over resumption of DMZ visits", "category": "society", "articles": ["8029273602803982748.html"]}, {"title": "[Ivo Daalder] Our new Cold War with China: Not like the old Cold War", "category": "society", "articles": ["8029273604496971803.html"]}, {"title": "S. Korean duty-free operators grapple with pandemic-caused biz slump", "category": "economy", "articles": ["8029273602853800624.html"]}, {"title": "Hanwha Eagles' ace 'very pleased' with KBO season debut following injury layoff", "category": "sports", "articles": ["8029273603436148832.html"]}, {"title": "[Monitor] Air transport hit hardest by pandemic", "category": "economy", "articles": ["8029273603768678975.html"]}, {"title": "Size of S. 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HBO throws out rulebook with streaming launch", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["302165936078161648.html"]}, {"title": "US dollar edges higher as US, China worries resurface", "category": "economy", "articles": ["302165936391153154.html"]}, {"title": "Man arrested over deadly 2019 fire at Japan’s Kyoto Animation", "category": "society", "articles": ["302165936477498196.html"]}, {"title": "Ringgit strengthens against US dollar in early trade", "category": "economy", "articles": ["302165934568734160.html"]}, {"title": "Man gets Federal Court’s nod to proceed with challenge of Selangor’s Shariah law criminalising unnatural sex", "category": "society", "articles": ["302165935051329045.html"]}, {"title": "Queues and limited browsing in store for English shoppers", "category": "economy", "articles": ["302165935140785312.html"]}, {"title": "‘Stop partying’, LA police warn Hollywood Hills neighborhood", "category": "society", "articles": ["302165935195804348.html"]}, {"title": "Trump 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["4480975639009259262.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD range play continues ahead of Lagarde speech, EU summit", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639298526234.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD: Extra gains expected above 1.1020 – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639774038330.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD: Off two-week top under 1.2400 amid US dollar pullback", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639966039441.html"]}, {"title": "Forex Today: Only a correction? Dollar trying to lick its wounds amid Sino-American tensions", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638309400394.html"]}, {"title": "FX option expiries for May 27 NY cut", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638801924881.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CHF Price Analysis: Bullish Doji on H4 favors recovery above 0.9650", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638865998766.html"]}, {"title": "Crude Oil Futures: Look neutral near-term", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639079258420.html"]}, {"title": "EU’s Borrell: To weigh 'robust' message to China over Hong Kong issue", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975639301545181.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD: Potential move to 1.2400 on the cards – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639402741720.html"]}, {"title": "Gold Futures: Downside seen shallow", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639714084037.html"]}, {"title": "NZD/USD: Further gains lie ahead if 0.6230 is cleared – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639818702053.html"]}, {"title": "NZD/USD: Basking in the wave of risk-on euphoria – ANZ", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638795688808.html"]}, {"title": "Gold: On the verge of losing the $1700 level", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638888654250.html"]}, {"title": "USD/JPY does not rule out a move to 107.20 – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639008939045.html"]}, {"title": "Brent price forecast revised up to $40/ barrel by end-2020 – Morgan Stanley", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639034221600.html"]}, {"title": "Gold Price Analysis: Pressed to critical support, break or bounce? – Confluence Detector", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639097581437.html"]}, {"title": "WTI stays below $34.50, prints mild losses in Asia", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639283640755.html"]}, {"title": "Prospects for global economic recovery look bleak – Reuters poll", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639353707773.html"]}, {"title": "US Conference Board Consumer Confidence: Dollar risk premium subsides as market panic fades", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639990246989.html"]}, {"title": "Preview: A Youth Dialogue with ECB’s Lagarde on the COVID-19 response", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640135776627.html"]}, {"title": "Natural Gas Price: Cautiously positive", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640163165540.html"]}, {"title": "Lagarde speech: ECB’s mild growth scenario already outdated", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638268636896.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CNH faces further upside pressure – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638385438575.html"]}, {"title": "The reluctance of the Germans and the Dutch to the eurozone investment fund is incomprehensible – Natixis", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638660056529.html"]}, {"title": "USD/JPY on the defensive around mid-107.00s, below 50-DMA", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639023441947.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD trades with modest losses, just below mid-0.6600s", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639037262057.html"]}, {"title": "US Dollar Index treading water above 99.00", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639189590230.html"]}, {"title": "Economists: UK economy to face 5% annual deficit by 2024 – FT", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639739950899.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD: The safe-haven US dollar is gaining some ground", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638299987508.html"]}, {"title": "S&P 500: Fully valued on some measures – UBS", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638386368712.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD: At 1.38 by year-end in the best scenario – UBS", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638722116491.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD Price Analysis: Finds some support near 38.2% Fibo./descending channel confluence region", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638762860650.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CAD struggles near 2-1/2 month lows, just above mid-1.3700s", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638920686806.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD: Potentially higher with resistance at 0.6659 – OCBC", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639364520764.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD remans under pressure around the 1.0960 area", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639735857637.html"]}, {"title": "EU Commission to mobilize EUR750 billion for the coronavirus recovery fund – DPA", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638366856687.html"]}, {"title": "Gold trades with modest losses, holds above $1700 amid escalating US-China tensions", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639176533993.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/CHF: Awaiting EU Recovery Fund details in the 1.05-1.07 range – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639227705820.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD: Focus on the strong resistance at 1.2360", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640021960666.html"]}, {"title": "CCL Stock Price: Carnival Corp set to hit 10-week high above $18 amid growing analyst optimism", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638211830928.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CAD: Short-term bias turned to the downside – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638233341682.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD: Looking at the 0.6706 resistance to open upside potential – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638675862638.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/GBP clings to gains near daily tops, still below mid-0.8900s", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638708403600.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/JPY Price Analysis: Shifts the focus to the 200-day SMA", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639161681316.html"]}, {"title": "US Dollar Index Price Analysis: Rising odds for a move to 98.50", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639204894696.html"]}, {"title": "Gold: Bull market to be extended – Deutsche Bank", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639239295279.html"]}, {"title": "USD/BRL: Leading to the 2002 highs amid political noise – Deutsche Bank", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639272068984.html"]}, {"title": "NZD/USD trades at fresh multi-month highs above 0.6200", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639427404873.html"]}, {"title": "S&P 500: No supports of note broken – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639991157301.html"]}, {"title": "Russell 2000: Change to a bullish outlook above the April high at 3024 – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638347825048.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD: Above key resistance at 1.1019 would mark an important base – Credit Suisse", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639123675261.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD sits near 2-1/2 month tops, comfortably above mid-0.6600s", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639273225094.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD Price Analysis: Potential visit to the 1.1150 region", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640008360673.html"]}, {"title": "EU's von der Leyen: Boldest measures are safest for future of EU", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975640028003435.html"]}, {"title": "Gold slips below $1700 mark, over 2-week low", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638141256094.html"]}, {"title": "UK's Frost: EU needs to evolve its position to reach an agreement", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975638586388297.html"]}, {"title": "Singapore risks deflationary pressure – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638747381942.html"]}, {"title": "USD/INR New York Price Forecast: Greenback stabilizing near the 75.75 level vs. Indian rupee", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638972829617.html"]}, {"title": "UK's Frost: EU has a lot on its plate right now", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975639383791619.html"]}, {"title": "Silver New York Price Forecast: XAG/USD trades sideways near $17.00/oz", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639558728637.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD refreshes session lows, retreats nearly 100 pips from daily swing high", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639600509514.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD loses upside momentum near 1.1030", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639637427542.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CAD recovers early lost ground, turns neutral around 1.3770-75 region", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638387864809.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD: A convincing recovery plan is positive for the euro – Nordea", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638876695939.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD plummets to session lows, further below 0.6600 mark", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639155951246.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CHF climbs above 0.9700 after SNB Chairman Jordan's comments", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639362131275.html"]}, {"title": "ACB Stock Price: Aurora Cannabis Inc. remains on the defensive below $16.00", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639600891309.html"]}, {"title": "Singapore: GDP could contract 4%-7% this year – UOB", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639696846606.html"]}, {"title": "Fed's Williams: May or June could be low point for economy", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638069221866.html"]}, {"title": "US: Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index recovers to -27 in May vs. -47 expected", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638100441651.html"]}, {"title": "Moderately higher inflation in response to bigger debt levels – UBS", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638106410655.html"]}, {"title": "A particular opportunity in Chinese stocks – UBS", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638121630610.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD Price Analysis: Bulls await a sustained move beyond 200-day SMA", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639312596881.html"]}, {"title": "Germany's Scholz: Very likely that we will get an agreement on EU recovery plan", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639447653660.html"]}, {"title": "Germany's DAX 30 Index: German stocks gain despite sell-off in tech shares", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638780492003.html"]}, {"title": "WTI tumbles more than 5% toward $32.00", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639400658104.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD extends losses and approaches 1.2200", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639548872071.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CAD extends rebound, trades above 1.3800 on oil selloff", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639804904525.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD reversal from 0.6680 finds support at 0.6565", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638750385495.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/PLN three-month forecasts trimmed to 4.80 from 5.00 – Rabobank", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640058654973.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/USD risks to visit 0.6000 later this year – Rabobank", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638185332012.html"]}, {"title": "USD/CNH hits record highs, US determines Hong Kong no longer autonomous", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638466617543.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/USD erases daily gains, turns flat near 1.0980", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639696766627.html"]}, {"title": "Fed's Bullard: Fed programs will be wound down after crisis", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639837068424.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/JPY Price Analysis: Euro pops and retraces vs. Japanese yen, trades near 118.30 level", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639976410659.html"]}, {"title": "Gold picks up as market sentiment sours", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638227469393.html"]}, {"title": "Fed's Bullard: US has seen worst of economic fallout from coronavirus crisis", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638290131005.html"]}, {"title": "USD/JPY traders weigh a massive cocktail of mostly toxic risks", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639590486841.html"]}, {"title": "Fed's Beige Book: Securing PPP loans helped many businesses to limit or avoid layoffs", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975640095740559.html"]}, {"title": "Fed's Bostic: A second infection wave would cause serious concern", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975638131356703.html"]}, {"title": "NZD/USD pulls away from multi-week highs, looks to close near 0.6170", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638445506308.html"]}, {"title": "US Dollar Index Asia Price Forecast: DXY is bouncing from monthly lows", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638865089756.html"]}, {"title": "GBP/USD bears seeking a close below 50-D EMA, Brexit talks loom", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639044686567.html"]}, {"title": "EUR/CHF Price Analysis: Euro limited below trendline resistance at 1.0700", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639122642111.html"]}, {"title": "USD/MXN rises for the first time in twelve days, remains bearish but above 22.00", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639286039041.html"]}, {"title": "Pompeo: China in the past year 'has shed any pretense' that people of Hong Kong enjoy high degree of autonomy – Reuters", "category": "society", "articles": ["4480975638101506740.html"]}, {"title": "US Durable Goods likely fell 14.2% in May  – Wells Fargo", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638692953289.html"]}, {"title": "Forex Today: sentiment tosses and turns", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975638749155123.html"]}, {"title": "AUD/JPY Asia Price Forecast: Aussie holds above the 71.00 figure vs. yen, bullish", "category": "economy", "articles": ["4480975639324549129.html"]}, {"title": "China is trying its best to protect Hong Kong from instability – The Global Times", "category": "economy", "articles": 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Modi govt promises Rs 1 lakh bug bounty program, makes it open source", "category": "technology", "articles": ["9080771788261985324.html"]}, {"title": "Market Update: Sensex surrenders opening gains, drops over 60 points", "category": "economy", "articles": ["9080771788495121197.html"]}, {"title": "Comedian Atul Khatri's 'racist' meme on locust attack draws social media ire", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["9080771787014389998.html"]}, {"title": "First koala born since Australia's devastating bushfires; handlers name it 'Ash'", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771787658678438.html"]}, {"title": "Boycott 'Paatal Lok' trends as netizens slam Anushka Sharma for 'anti-Hindu narrative'", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["9080771787947457474.html"]}, {"title": "Indore: New guidelines issued for operation of fruit and vegetable market", "category": "economy", "articles": ["9080771788499027019.html"]}, {"title": "Honda Motorcycle’s Yadvinder Guleria to speak at FPJ-IIM Indore’s webinar on auto sector", "category": "economy", "articles": ["9080771788760997320.html"]}, {"title": "Rohan Shrestha recalls his Last Dance moment with 5-time NBA Champion Ron Harper", "category": "sports", "articles": ["9080771788019501047.html"]}, {"title": "Bollywood music composer Pritam Chakraborty's father passes away", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["9080771788097069851.html"]}, {"title": "India will ruin its economy very quickly if it had severe lockdown, Swedish health expert tells Rahul Gandhi", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788487017287.html"]}, {"title": "Heat wave condition intensifies in several parts of north, west India", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788945720158.html"]}, {"title": "Indore: Soaring temperature leads to surge in electricity demand by 50 MW", "category": "economy", "articles": ["9080771788967463031.html"]}, {"title": "Maharashtra Guv Bhagat Singh Koshyari modifies Scheduled Tribes and Forest Dwellers Act", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771786904918291.html"]}, {"title": "Bloodbath amid lockdown: Hindustan Times fires 130-odd employees amid lockdown", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771787515923823.html"]}, {"title": "Marine researchers from Australia spot underwater ‘tornado’", "category": "science", "articles": ["9080771787543440523.html"]}, {"title": "No right to dissent? Mumbai police issues to take action against those making 'malicious', 'derogatory' remarks against Maha govt", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788863559417.html"]}, {"title": "Indore: After two months, DAVV opens its gate but for sanitization", "category": "economy", "articles": ["9080771787706742265.html"]}, {"title": "Nitin Gadkari -- a leader who is helpful in good and bad times too", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771787725732703.html"]}, {"title": "Noted Urdu writer Mujtaba Hussain passes away after suffering cardiac arrest", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["9080771788901758491.html"]}, {"title": "Madhya Pradesh: Premchand Guddu, who dubbed Scindia ‘traitor’, expelled from BJP", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788919833849.html"]}, {"title": "COVID-19 in Indore: BJP leader Mahendra Singh Solanki opts for self-quarantine", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788940902197.html"]}, {"title": "Indore: From 7 to 70 year old, 85 singers sing the song of unity", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["9080771786907610664.html"]}, {"title": "BCCI confident ICC won't commit harakiri by taking away 2021 T20 WC", "category": "sports", "articles": ["9080771787144326562.html"]}, {"title": "Scientist blames it on match and Cheltenham Festival", "category": "sports", "articles": ["9080771788160437006.html"]}, {"title": "Saliva ban will make big difference", "category": "sports", "articles": ["9080771788375090002.html"]}, {"title": "Indore: Strong will power helps sub-inspector stand victorious of COVID-19", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788755690410.html"]}, {"title": "High expectations on cards: Simmons", "category": "sports", "articles": ["9080771788849178197.html"]}, {"title": "Now Rahul's 'sister' Aditi Singh changes Twitter bio, drops Congress", "category": "society", "articles": ["9080771788964957827.html"]}, {"title": "MP people will give Scindia a befitting reply: Kamal Nath", "category": 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["1146783231876734894.html"]}, {"title": "Raja Risalu, a folk play, was presented by Department of Culture on YouTube channel", "category": "entertainment", "articles": ["1146783231882064869.html"]}, {"title": "COVID-19: TN sees biggest single day spike of 817 cases", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783231888194425.html"]}, {"title": "Salon, beauty parlours await customers post amid relaxations in lockdown", "category": "economy", "articles": ["1146783231892727087.html"]}, {"title": "Forester caught with Rs 2.79L", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783231912427622.html"]}, {"title": "Haryana CM stresses water conservation, crop diversification", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783231957417677.html"]}, {"title": "83 NRIs return to Chandigarh", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783231959827530.html"]}, {"title": "Damage to crops by wild boars, monkeys, blue bulls to be compensated: HoFF", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232075144703.html"]}, 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["1146783232533896489.html"]}, {"title": "Quarantine inmates block NH in Bhadrak", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232593022391.html"]}, {"title": "55-yr-old COVID-19 positive man dies in Srinagar hospital; toll in J-K rises to 25", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232598846917.html"]}, {"title": "Major administrative surgery in C’garh", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232599570547.html"]}, {"title": "Bokaro reports 2 new Covid cases", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232668115137.html"]}, {"title": "Arrivals continue to haggle over paid quarantine", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232731554814.html"]}, {"title": "Work up health infra, remove bottlenecks: LG to Health Dept", "category": "society", "articles": ["1146783232749454238.html"]}, {"title": "Fighting Covid-19: Drive to take samples of high-risk cases", "category": "science", "articles": ["1146783232807650396.html"]}, {"title": "Divided Opp still failing in its duty", 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